Aug 24, 2008

Aaron's "Be Nice" Ring

Aaron has been going to nursery at church for some time now and has earned the reputation of being a wild-man. A couple of weeks ago, Aaron wore a CTR (Choose The Right) ring to church and decided to show the adults that work in the nursery. Upon arrival, Aaron walked right up to one of the nursery leaders and said: "Look at my ring. It says 'be nice'" at which point Aaron followed his statement up with a pummeling that included a blazing right-handed jab and a couple of left-handed hooks. So much for 'be nice'.

On a related note, we were flipping through the channels on the TV earlier this week and came across some olympic events. This particular event immediately caught the attention of Aaron as he exclaimed "OOOOOOOO, Punching!!!!" Most people call it boxing, Aaron, but yeah, you could call it 'Punching'.

Here's a Wii-inspired video of Aaron and Danny 'punching' each other in the Cox Family Gymnasium (we're accepting memberships now):

Now you might think that such an activity would lead to contention and a spirit of dischord, but that's not the case. See, they're still friends, at least until the rematch:


AmandaS said...

Maybe Aaron will be your ticket to getting kid in the Olympics. Boxing!

Wendy said...

I don't think I would survive in the Cox family gym. However, I do have a matching Eddie Bauer ski cap that I could wear while I box Aaron (I recognized it right away! Weren't those like $4 or something?). I loved the faster than a Cheeto post too...those things are dangerously tasty.