Feb 23, 2009

Rachel's Bad Bay

Jean welcomed Rachel home from school by greeting her at the door and asking her how the day went. Rachel didn't respond, instead she went directly to the office where she picked up a pen and some paper and inked out her reply:

Jean followed up by asking her what she wanted to eat. Rachel again wrote her response: macaroni & cheese and some juice. We eventually found out why her day was so bad (she was wronged by her best friend when she claimed something that wasn't rightfully hers); between that incident and feeling a little under the weather, Rachel was so put out.

You've got to love that kid and feel for her - she's the easiest and most accomodating one in the house.

Feb 22, 2009

Date with Rachel

I took Rachel to a Daddy/Daughter dance at the elementary school this past week. We had a great time - she especially enjoyed getting to showcase her 'moves' at home after the dance. YMCA was her favorite song.

The Cox Family Food Chain

I took the three oldest kids to church today while Jean stayed at home with Seth. When we got home Jean wanted a report of what they had learned during Primary. Danny mentioned that each student in his class got two cookies. Danny ate one, but decided that he didn't like them all that much so he passed the second cookie along to Rachel. Rachel didn't need to taste it to decide that it wasn't worth eating so she gave it up to Aaron who, upon receiving the third-hand treat, gobbled it up.

So that's the pecking order - a carnivore at the top of the food chain that eats his fill and leaves leftovers for the herbivore. The herbivore isn't interested in eating the remains so she bypasses it all together after which the scavenger comes along and makes a snack of it.

With our undying love of treats, Jean and I were still curious - we had to find out what type of cookie Aaron ended up with. Half way into describing the cookie Danny asked Jean "What are those white little sticks that taste like coconut?" Jean answered "Umm, coconut?" "Yeah, " Danny replied "that was it. Coconut." Turns out they were Girl Scout cookies, Samoas to be exact.

Mystery solved.

Feb 8, 2009

Blue Steel and The Kissy Face

We caught a couple more photos of Seth recently and wanted to share them:

This is Seth's attempt at Blue Steel (think Ben Stiller in Zoolander). Not too bad - we especially like the positioning of the hand. Like a pro.

Here he is sleeping on the job - something he does fairly often. His mom (the light & dark blue striped background) was also asleep, but I've spared her the embarrassment of sharing her sleeping face.

Here's a family trait in action: The Kissy Face. It has returned. For those of you not familiar with The Kissy Face it's a facial expression that all of the Cox boys have manifested to some extent (Rachel - did not); Danny did it the most. They pucker up their lips in preparation to plant a big one.

Danny's version of it:

Aaron's take:

And finally, Seth treading the well-worn path with his rendition of The Kissy Face:

Feb 1, 2009

More Photos of Seth

Seth is a little less puffy and red these days, so we figured we could share more photos.

Click the photo to view the photo album: