Danny confided in us this past week that he was tired of running during recess and before-school free time. He told us that he is having to run because there are two girls in his class that chase him around the schoolyard threatening him with kisses. You could tell he was appalled because there are obviously more interesting and pressing things he could be doing with his time, but he was most disturbed by the girls' disregard for school policy. "I kept yelling at them that they were going to break the 'Hands off Policy', but they wouldn't listen!" he exclaimed.
Danny is a by-the-book kid. Clearly he was concerned about his exposure to the dreaded disease known as Cooties, but he was just as worried that the girls would break the school's stance that there be no physical interaction between students & teachers. As a result of this incident and Danny's choosing to share it with his parents (keep 'em coming Danny), the phrase "Ahhhhh - stop it! You're breaking the Hands Off Policy!" or its variant has become a common refrain in our house.
Thankfully, Danny takes it in stride, just like his laps around the schoolyard.
Lol! How cute is that! Danny, you little stud.
LOL! So much fun reading your blog. I'll just read your blog to get my dose of comic relief everyday. Danny is a hoot! Wish you all live a little closer!
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