Oct 19, 2008

Dinner Conversations

We had some good chats at the dinner table this evening, so we thought we'd share some of the witty humor that was passed around.

Conversation #1 - Always
Jean: I've got to go Visiting Teaching at 6 tonight.
Danny: You have to go again?
Jean: Always. I go every month. I need to go visit people and make sure they're doing OK and help them if they're not.
Danny: Always?
Bob: Yeah, it's kind of like Wal-Mart.
Jean: (Rolls her eyes and smirks. 2 seconds of silence).
Danny: (Audible laughter). It is like Wal-Mart! Always low prices. Always.

There are two things that one can deduct from this conversation: 1 - Danny is a bright boy and was able to pick-up on his Dad's humor even when his mother didn't want to acknowledge that anything funny was said. 2 - Bob's humor is designed for 6-year-olds. Both are true.

Conversation #2 - A-B Patterns
Danny: Can I have some more cake?
Bob: No. You need to eat more dinner before you have more cake.
Danny: More dinner!?!?
Rachel: Yeah, Danny. It's like an A-B pattern. A, you eat your dinner, then B, you get dessert.
Jean: (Laughter) You're funny, girl!
Danny: I want to follow a B-B pattern. Eat dessert, then eat more dessert.

Here's an A-B pattern for ya - A, Rachel says something insightful and amusing, B everybody laughs. The end.

1 comment:

The Simon Family said...

LOL!!! Hi Jean! Your kids (including Bob) are hilarious! Smart too! Thanks for sharing!