Mar 21, 2010


I can't remember the etymology of the word 'pootietorn' - it's a concatenation of one of Rachel's nicknames, Pootie, and torn. I have no recollection of how torn got into the mix, but it did. I can however give you a working definition.

Pootietorn - a tuft or several strands of hair that, either through intentional or unintentional efforts, stick out from the rest of the hair on a head.

Basically, it's a fancy, family-made word that describes a specific type of bedhead.

I was just sifting through some photos that we took over the holidays and came across these gems. We must have promised some serious rewards/bonuses to get these three to participate. Aaron in particular looks very pleased about the event.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Haha! I love these shots of your kiddies:-) They remind me of The Last Unicorn.