Big Brother
Danny is awesome. He's like a third parent.
A couple of months back Jean was out in the front of the house with the kids as they rode their bikes and scooters. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Vegas and desert living, a yard can mean grass and trees, but it can also be comprised of rocks, drought resistant shrubs and plants (some people call these 'weeds') and faux dry river channels (miniature arroyos). We have desert landscaping in the front (all business) and grass in the back (all party) - kind of like a mullet hairdo.
I digress.
Seth was crawling around on the rocks and had started to do what most babies do with things that are within arm's reach - stick them in his mouth. Danny witnessed this activity and, with a disgusted tone, addressed Jean "Mom, are you even watching him? He's eating rocks!"
Reading Machine
Danny is a voracious reader. He was recently tested at school and reads two grade levels above his current class. He's been reading the Harry Potter series since Christmas time and enjoys them so much he's on the fifth book. It's so "bad" that we have to go back to his room 1-2 hours after we've done our bedtime routine to tell him to turn off his bed light and go to bed. Probably one of the reason he's already wearing contacts. . . .
Dressed to the Nines
Today was Wear Your Pajamas to School day, the last day of school before Spring Break. Danny and Rachel were excited. Rachel wore some of her light blue pajamas that have horses and other girly things printed on them (I'm a typical boy, so I don't remember what those other girly things are on her pajamas - I don't pay much attention to that kind of thing). Danny wore his standard 'pajamas' which usually consist of a t-shirt and some 'comfy' pants which are athletic, basketball-style, 100% polyester pants. The funny thing is that Danny typically wears the exact same thing to school everyday, he just happens to change into another pair of comfy pants and a t-shirt for bed. If only he knew.
In a lot of regards he's a lot like his Uncle Ryan. Legend has it that he loved to wear his comfy clothes to high school - sweat pants. Inseperable were Ryan and his sweat pants, or so I hear.
Losing Teeth Left and Right
It's as if all of Danny's teeth have been falling out of his mouth recently. Fortunately all of this is natural and not a result of eating too much candy or not brushing his teeth. He's got four permanents in place - they're the middle two teeth on the top and bottom. Seems like these permanent teeth have a special knack for dropping their non-permanent neighbors out of the dental subdivision. Danny now looks like a jack-o-lantern when he smiles.