Oct 25, 2009

The Many Faces of Rachel

You gotta love this little girl.

I've been collecting photos over the last little bit (when I've remembered) to document Rachel and the food she eats. I don't necessarily take these photos while she's eating, rather, I take them after the fact. It's not difficult to deduct what she's been eating - all you have to do is take a look at her mug and you've got a good idea. You guys are novices, but I'm betting that most of you can tell whether Rachel last ate a dessert or main course just by looking at these photos (you may need to click on a photo to get a better idea of what's stuck to her face; the smaller thumbnails don't do justice):


Wendy said...

So adorable! I see so much of YOU in her cute smile:-)

Kata said...

love how you captured all her little looks! Its a treasure!