Oct 19, 2009

Aaron is 4

Aaron is 4 today. He had a party over the weekend with his Grandma and Grandpa and Uncles and Aunts, who were all in town to celebrate with us. He had a Monster Truck cake and a football pinata. And at night we went to a UNLV football game.

Aaron is our bundle of energy. I'm always getting comments from neighbors and friends about how they are impressed with how fast Aaron can run. He's turning into quite the athlete with Danny's tutoring. Aaron is a wonderful big brother; he loves to play with Seth and give him hugs and kisses. He's very focused when he recognizes something he wants. He started preschool this year and he loves it. His teacher says he is always very excited to learn and participate in whatever they are doing. We love you Aaron!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I can't believe that Aaron is already 4! He's so adorable with that red hair. (By the way...I never told you how cute I thought that YOUR bangs were Jean!).