Jun 24, 2012

Our Little Bird Ruby

We have a little bird named Ruby.  She eats like a bird.  She talks like a bird.  She is as light as a bird.  We think she's a parrot because she can repeat several words.  She has no feathers and doesn't fly so well though, so she must be some kind of rare, flightless/featherless parrot.  A one of a kind - rare indeed.

Ruby loves to be near Jean when she's pecking away on the computer to fix a website.  The two of them have worked out a compromise that allows Jean to get some work done and to allow Ruby some mom time.

Here are some photos of their agreement. . .

Beleive it or not, this arrangement works out pretty well for both parties.  Jean gets some work done and Ruby feels like she's getting some attention.  All sides are satisfied. 

I've tried it a couple of times, but it's kind of hard to see the monitor. I know, I know - I'm a woos. I guess I haven't evolved to meet the demands of the ever-fluid working-from-home environment. 

Jean's got some mad working-from-home skills!

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