May 13, 2012

The Future

In her homework, Rachel was asked to write about how you see yourself in the future.  This is what she wrote:

In the future, I see myself  as a billionare, and also training dolphins and doing dolphin shows for more money. But, behind the greatness, come responsibilities.  I have to buy lots of securety cameras for my mansion, and I have to train the dolphins. I will live in New York, with 5 children and a husband. I will have 3 girls and 2 boys. But even though I'm a billionare, I have to always spend money. Last week, I bought my family 8 pets. Imagine how much money I have to use to buy food!!

1 comment:

Kristal said...

That girl's a genius. Can't wait to go to her dolphin shows next time I'm in NY