Apr 1, 2009

Monster Trucks II

This past Saturday marked our second time attending Monster Jam World Finals here in Las Vegas. We went early so the boys could participate in the meet-n-greet event prior to the race and freestyle competition. The boys had a great time - when it comes to special events our boys judge their level of fun by how many treats and snacks they get. Based on the Jack-n-The-Box kid's meals, cotton candy, pretzels and sodas they consumed I'd say they had a raring time. Getting to see Grave Digger, Brutus, Maximum Destruction, Avenger, etc. up close didn't take away from the experience either.

Aaron got a little spooked by the sensory overload at the start of the event again - with fireworks, shooting flames, loud music, 20+ monster trucks parading around in a circle revving their engines it's easy to understand why. Once we got past that both of the boys got into it and enjoyed watching Maximum Desctruction take his 9th racing championship. Yea, I know my moster truck stats now.

Here are some photos from the event. I swear that Danny's hands were not glued to the inside of his pockets - that's just how he poses.

You always see some odd things in Vegas. A monster truck event only amplifies that weirdness. Here's my unique photo from the evening. These 'men' were brave to wear these outfits to a monster truck rally.

Just in case you can't read it, that guy's rear end says "DANCE". Awesome.

1 comment:

Janai said...

I'm thinking the tutu guys lost a bet. :o) Looks like you had a lot of fun.