Nov 10, 2008

Just Another Night With the Coxes

Jean and I were cleaning up from this evening's dinner when we heard an all-too-common voice echoing from the other side of the house. We hear this little voice repeat this same phrase 2 or 3 times a day. Here's a glimpse at Aaron in real life:

Later in the evening, our pretty young girl was sitting in my lap as the following conversation unfolded:

Jean: Look at our girl's hair. Isn't it pretty?

Bob: Almost as pretty as mine.

Rachel: No it's not, Dad. You don't have any hair.

I'm depressed. I think I'll go an have a smoke to relieve the stress.


The Simon Family said...

LOL!!! Too funny and familiar! Thanks for the laugh.

Kristal said...

That clip of Aaron is awesome! He's going to love that when he's older.

Wendy said...

You guys seriously should win a prize because your blog is so hilarious!! I just crack up whenever I read it:-)