May 4, 2008


This weekend we went on our first family campout. We had a great time. We got there about 3:00 and got a great campsite right next to some red rock boulders. The kids spent the afternoon climbing on the big rocks and having a great time. We went to dinner at McDonalds. (We're breaking ourselves in to camping. Maybe next time we'll try cooking on the fire) We went and saw many things in the area with Bob as our tour guide. We roasted marshmallows and had s'mores. The kids slept great in the tent. We got up and had donuts and juice for breakfast and then climbed a few rocks and headed home to be back in time for Danny's soccer game. It was a great weekend!


AmandaS said...

That looks like fun! We just are booking our camp site for the first annual Smith family campout. I have been nervous about the kids sleeping in the tent. I'm glad to hear that your kids did well. I think we'll have to do McDonalds and donuts, too!

Wendy said...

I can't believe that you girls are all going camping with your families--I'm so proud:-) I can't imagine us going camping for a million years (which breaks my heart)! It looks and sounds like so much fun. I love the McDonalds/donut idea.